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What we’re about

This is an unofficial chapter of Tough Guy Book Club, which has chapters primarily in Australia. Meanwhile, there are a few official chapters in the United States. The current goal of this meetup group is to gauge interest in forming an official chapter in the Nashville area, and to get the ball rolling in starting this if it were to be successful. Meetings will be the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm CT. For additional information on Tough Guy Book Club, please visit their website at

Tough Guy Book Club was founded in 2012, and is a network of men’s book clubs in local pubs.

We’re about reading books, hitting the pub with the goons, and rowdy conversations.
Our club is about putting real decent conversations back in the pub.

For too long the pokie machine, the cover band, and sports on the tv have left the men in our pubs a bunch of boring pricks with nothing to say.
It’s time to change that, let’s put heavy duty discussion back on the table at the pub.